IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020

Data News

The combined TRMM and GPM-era (June 2000 – present) IMERG V06B products are now available. This includes the Final product, as well as the retrospectively reprocessed Early and Late products. These products are staged in the standard locations. If you have any questions regarding accessibility please contact us . As the long-record IMERG products are now available, the TMPA and TMPA-RT products have a planned end date of December 31, 2019 . Users should transition to IMERG during this period. We are hopeful we can extend the IMERG record back to January 1998 in the near future. As always, we...
IMERG is now available back to June 2000 of the TRMM era. Both the 'early' and the 'late' products have been retrospectively processed. These products are available in the same location on the FTP server as the current GPM IMERG products: /NRTPUB/imerg/early/YYYYMM and /NRTPUB/imerg/late/YYYYMM. We are in the process of retrospectively processing the GIS-friendly versions and accumulations of these IMERG products. This is likely to be completed by the end of September 2019. **IMPORTANT** A very important item is that we have been directed to eliminate ftp to all...
PPS has completed the retrospective processing of IMERG NRT early and late products to version V06B. All GPM NRT IMERG is available at version V06B from June 2014 through the current IMERG data. The GPM NRT IMERG from March 2014 through May 2014 will be available once the TRMM era (2000-2014) retrospective processing is completed. THe V06B data is the default product (early and late) available on the NRT file server. Please contact us for any questions.
On 16 June 2019 at 22 UTC several hours of missing IR data and subsequent handling of this outage caused IMERG early and late products to be produced without IR data since that date/time. To ensure consistent early and late IMERG products it was decided to retroprocess these IMERG early and late products. All early and late IMERG products from 16 June 2019 at 22:00 UTC through June 19 were retroprocessed. You may wish to download the revised products from 16 June 2019 22:00 UTC onword. IMERG early and late are being produced again at their required latency: a. early: approx 4 hours from data collection b. late: approx 14 hours from data collection We are sorry for the extended unavailability of the products.
Effective around 12:00 UTC 10 June the MHS and ATMS input to real-time IMERG suddenly became unavailable due to an unexpected change in NOAA protocols. While PPS scrambles to remedy the issue, the data content of the Early and Late Runs may be reduced for the next several days, meaning lower Quality Index due to longer morphing of microwave estimates and greater contributions by IR.

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