3A Radar

Gridded rainfall estimates from radar data (GPM DPR, TRMM PR)

The Level 3 DPR product provides space-time statistics of the level 2 DPR results. High and low spatial resolution grids are defined such that the high-resolution grid is 0.250 × 0.250 (lat×lon) while the low resolution grid is 50 × 50. For the variables defined on the low-resolution grid, the statistics include mean, standard deviation, counts and histogram. For variables defined on the high-resolution grid, the same statistics are computed with the exception of a histogram, which is omitted.

Processing Level
Current Algorithm Version
Dates Covered
December 1997 - April 2015 (TRMM), March 2014 - Present (GPM)
Minimum Latency
Daily (research)
Spatial Resolution
0.25 Degree
5 Degree
Date Last Updated
July 1st, 2021
Document Description

The Level-3 radar products provide daily and monthly global statistics of the Level-2 Ku, Ka and DPR products on a latitude-longitude grid. In version 7 (V07), the organization of the products has changed with the highest-level categorization into FS (full swath), MS (matched or inner swath) and HS (high sensitivity) swath products. The next level of division is into high and low spatial resolution grids that are defined such that the low-resolution grid (G1) is 50×50 (lat×lon) while the high-resolution grid (G2) is 0.250× 0.250.

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