
ER2 Flying Over a Thunder Storm During IPHEx
ER2 Flying Over a Thunder Storm During IPHEx
JacobAdmin Wed, 08/13/2014
Image Caption
This image shows severe thunderstorms over South Carolina as observed from NASA’s ER-2 aircraft flying at 65,000 feet during the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment recently.

Thunderstorm, by Grant Petty

A huge thunderstorm cloud
Image Caption
A huge thundercloud in Dane County, Wisconsin.

Date and Location:
May 22, 2011
Dane County, Wisconsin

How this Photo was Taken:
“I was out on a farm with a photography club for the purpose of photographing farm life -- animals, barns, etc. I saw this impressive thunderstorm building several miles to the east of where we were and ended up focusing on that while the others in the group continued to follow the goats and horses around. This is one of many examples of how a completely unplanned photo wound up being among my best photos.